Atopic dermatitis, also called eczema, is a common and chronic skin condition in which the skin appears inflamed, red, itchy and dry. Atopic dermatitis is most likely caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors.
In children with eczema, the skin barrier is broken down and therefore the skin loses moisture more easily, becoming more dry, easily irritated, and hypersensitive. The skin is also more prone to infection. Eczema usually starts as a dry red rash on the cheeks and around the mouth, then as children grow older, the rash appears on the body. Teenagers often have eczema on elbows, knees, hands, feet, and around the eyes.
There is no cure for Atopic Dermatitis but Dr. Heidi can definitely help you manage your child’s eczema to minimize their outbreaks of rash and increase their quality of life.
Children’s Dermatology is led by Board-Certified Dermatologist Dr. Heidi Goodarzi serving patients in Newport Beach, Irvine, Laguna Niguel & Orange County, CA.
Do you know a redhead? I’ll stay all day and all night to teach a redhead child apply sunscreen properly ❤️
Redheads typically have mutations in the MC1R (melanocortin 1 receptor) gene. This mutation leads to the production of pheomelanin instead of eumelanin, resulting in red hair, fair skin, and increased sensitivity to UV radiation.
As gorgeous as they are, unfortunately they have increased risk of melanoma (even independent of their sun exposure), and increased risk of non-melanoma skin cancers such as basal cell carcinomas and squamous cell carcinomas.
If you know a redhead please send this to them and encourage them to go see a dermatologist!
And for males, just get together and put sunscreen on them - it’s a team sport 😂😂
#pediatricdermatologist #redheads #sunscreen #skincancer
Food Allergy = when your child develops HIVES (or vomits) 30 minutes to 6 hours after ingestion of a food. These HIVES are raised, swollen, pink, and soft rashes. Antihistamines such as @zyrtecallergy are first line of treatment.
Eczema = DRY, ROUGH, SCALY RASH. It is a chronic skin condition and antihistamines do not resolve them.
📣 Food Allergy does NOT cause Eczema.
#eczema #pediatricdermatologist #pediatricdermatology #pediatrics #atopicdermatitis #foodallergy #antihistamine
iPad 📱
A hug from Spider-Man 🕸️
A lollipop 🍭
is all you need to avoid general anesthesia and do your skin surgery in our office ❤️🙏🏼
If your child has a SKIN lesion, you don’t need plastic surgery or general anesthesia or operating room- see a pediatric dermatologist and discuss office procedures.
Follow for more tips @pediatricdermatology
Call for appointments 949 679 1990
#pediatricdermatology #pediatricdermatologist #plasticsurgeon #dermatologist #pediatrics
#measles is no joke!
Where there was no vaccine for it a lot of people died. Please vaccinate your children 🙏🏼🩵
#vaccines #ᴠᴀᴄᴄɪɴᴇssᴀᴠᴇʟɪᴠᴇs #measlerash #pediatricdermatology #pediatricdermatologist #rashinkids
One of the most notorious places for scarring after skin surgery? Chest area, specially in women.
So when this teenager asked me to remove this mole, I tried really hard to convince her not to do it. But as many conservatives with this age group goes:
Teenager 1, Dr. Heidi -0-
So when I did this procedure, instead of a regular football shaped🏈excision which would’ve left her with a scar three times as long as the original mole, I decided to do a purse string closure 👛 : This is when you cut the lesion in a circular fashion, and you put in a purse string suture and pull on it to create a small round scar (see next slide). This results in a scar smaller than the original mole itself 🤩
I was very happy with the results at her one week follow up. The scar will continue to fade in color over months and look better. So this California girl can continue to wear her itty bitty bikini 👙
#moleremoval #molesurgery #scartreatment #scar #dermatology #pediatricdermatologist #californiagirl
When you are a teenager, image is everything. Please take your child’s acne seriously.
Also, acne comes and goes but acne scarring is permanent and requires cosmetic procedures such as laser treatments. So it’s best to prevent acne scarring by treating acne early !
#acne #acnescars #acnescarring #teenageacne #bodyimage #asianskincare
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